Are depression drugs addictive?

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I wonder if the depression drugs are addictive?


No, antidepressant medications do not have addictive qualities. Some antidepressants that deal with serotonin, particularly SNRI’s like Cymbalta and Effexor, sometimes cause withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking them too quickly or suddenly. This is a purely physical effect, though, that pretty much just feels like unpleasant side-effects, and does not mean that you’re addicted to the medication, experience cravings, etc.

The only psychiatric medications which pose a risk of abuse/dependence are benzodiazepines used to treat panic and severe anxiety, and some stimulants used to treat ADHD. However, if taken as directed under the supervision of an appropriate doctor (usually a psychiatrist), these medications more often than not provide a greater benefit than anything else. And even if they don’t end up working the way they should, then you stop taking them and move on to something else